The prompt for this project was to board a scene between two characters with dialogue, and then to re-board the sequence with different shots and story beats when necessary. In total, the project went through more than 7 iterations of thumbnails.
I decided to draw inspiration from life: from a scenario in which dyeing my hair for the first time went very, very poorly...
Here is the link to Magic School, the final for the project.
The following sequences are definitely, entirely accurate to life.
Sequence 1
Click an image for slideshow
Sequence 2 (WIP)
There was a moment that I wanted out of the Some Antics project that I didn't feel that I had achieved- a moment when the character feels seen. I reduced the story back down to that moment, chose a setting and characters that would be fun for me, and made this as my final for the project.
The colored backgrounds were required.